Tesamorelin is a research peptide and still being studied. It is not for human consumption. Tesamorelin is a growth hormone-releasing hormone and has anabolic and lipolytic effects. It has shown positivity in reducing fat cells, so, therefore, promoting weight loss.
PRODUCT USAGE WARNING : This PRODUCT IS INTENDED AS A RESEARCH CHEMICAL ONLY. This designation allows the use of research chemicals strictly for in vitro testing and laboratory experimentation only. All product information available on this website is for educational purposes only. Bodily introduction of any kind into humans or animals is strictly forbidden by law. This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals. This product is not a drug, food, or cosmetic and may not be misbranded, misused or mislabled as a drug, food or cosmetic.
Tesamorelin is also known as TH9507 and is a research chemical still being tested. Research to date has found it to be a growth hormone-releasing hormone and be effective in increasing growth hormone in the body. It also increases metabolism and can reduce appetite and food intake so therefore encourage fat loss.